RUNVAN Ambassador – Lara Penno

RUNVAN Ambassador – Lara Penno

Meet Lara Penno, personal trainer, runners and triathlon coach. More than dedicated runners of the BMO Vancouver Marathon, RUNVAN Community Ambassadors are also leaders in Vancouver who embody the Vancouver International Marathon Society’s mission,...

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Magic at the Start Line

Magic at the Start Line

Volunteer at the Start Line, where anticipation builds and natural beauty thrives Imagine that you’ve just arrived at the Marathon and Half Marathon Start Line in Queen Elizabeth Park. Above you, the sun is just beginning to rise, and the sky...

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Share Skills, Meet Friends

Share Skills, Meet Friends

Dedicated volunteer Kerry Kunzli prefers wheels to running shoes. Kerry Kunzli might spend more time with his feet clipped into pedals than on the ground, but that doesn't stop him from enlisting as a volunteer for the BMO Vancouver Marathon. The...

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