Training Tips, running advice + more

Performance Tips for your next race

RUNVAN is proud to support Elite athletes and achievement at all levels.

Here are some tips to help on your next race:



5 ‘Musts’

Marathon do’s and don’t

Here are five ‘musts’ when training for a Marathon or race:

  1. Follow a training plan: Not doing so, you risk under or over training, which may lead to increase risk of injury or impact your race.
  2. Take rest days: Rest and recovery is part of training. Skipping rest days can lead to overuse injuries, fatigue, and hinder your progress.
  3. Strength train: Incorporating strength training into your routine is crucial for becoming a stronger and more resilient runner. This may help improve overall muscle balance, prevent injuries, and enhance your running efficiency.
  4. Gradually Increase: Running excessive mileage without proper progression may lead to burnout, injuries and fatigue. Gradually increase your mileage to allow your body to adapt and recover faster.
  5. Stretch: Flexibility and mobility are essential for injury prevention and for maintaining a healthy range of motion. Incorporate dynamic warm-ups, post-run stretches, and foam rolling to improve flexibility and release tight muscles.

Prioritize these strategies to optimize your Marathon and race training. By following a training plan, allowing for adequate rest, incorporating strength training, managing mileage, and focusing on flexibility, you’ll set yourself up for success.

Run Faster

How to run a faster Marathon and Half Marathon

Running faster in a Marathon or Half Marathon requires a combination of training, race strategies, and mental preparation. Here are some essential tips to help you improve your race times:

  1. Train Smart: Follow a well-structured training plan that includes a mix of easy runs, long runs, speed workouts, tempo runs, and also incorporates practice races of shorter distances to simulate race conditions, help you gauge your fitness and practice pacing strategies.
  2. Incorporate Speed Work: Integrate interval training and speed work into your training routine. This may involve track work, tempo runs, or hill repeats. These workouts improve your running economy, increase your speed, and enhance your ability to sustain a faster pace.
  3. Strength Train: Include strength training exercises to build overall body strength and enhance running efficiency. Focus on exercises that target your leg muscles, core, and upper body. Strengthening your muscles improves your running form, power, and prevents injuries.
  4. Mentally Prepare: Train your mind to stay focused and push through challenging moments during the race. Practice positive self-talk, visualization techniques, and set small, achievable goals to keep yourself motivated and mentally resilient during the race.
  5. Strategize: Develop a race day plan that includes pacing and fuelling hydration strategies. Start conservatively, maintain a steady pace, and finish strong. Take advantage of aid stations for hydration and fuel;ing, and practice your nutrition plan during your training.
  6. Rest and Recovery: Allow ample time for rest and recovery in your training schedule. Adequate sleep, proper nutrition, and active recovery techniques like stretching and foam rolling are essential to optimize your performance and reduce the risk of injuries.
  7. Practice Patience and Consistency: Improving race times takes time and consistent effort. Be patient with your progress and avoid the temptation to push too hard, too soon. Consistency in training, focusing on gradual improvements, will lead to better results over time.

By incorporating these tips into your training and race preparation, you can work towards running a faster marathon or half marathon. Enjoy the process, celebrate small victories along the way, and embrace the journey of becoming a faster and stronger runner.

Taper Tips

Mastering the Taper. Optimize Recovery and Performance with Effective Tapering Strategies

Tapering is a crucial phase in your training leading up to a race, where you reduce your training volume and intensity to allow your body to recover and peak on race day. Here are some tips to make the most of your taper:

  1. Gradually Reduce Mileage: Start tapering 2-3 weeks before your race by gradually decreasing your weekly mileage. Aim to reduce your overall volume by around 20-30% each week. This allows your body to recover and replenish energy stores while maintaining fitness.
  2. Maintain Intensity: While reducing volume, maintain the intensity of your workouts. Continue incorporating speed work, tempo runs, or race pace efforts to keep your body accustomed. However, ensure you have sufficient recovery time between intense sessions.
  3. Prioritize Rest and Recovery: Use the extra time during your taper to prioritize rest and recovery. Get adequate sleep, practice proper nutrition and consider incorporating stretching, foam rolling, or gentle cross-training to promote muscle relaxation and well-being.
  4. Stay Mentally Engaged: Take time to visualize your race and mentally prepare. Review your race strategy, visualize yourself crossing the finish line strong, and focus on positive affirmations. This mental engagement can help build confidence and reduce pre-race anxiety.
  5. Maintain Routine: Stick to your established routine during the taper to maintain a sense of familiarity. Continue with your regular pre-run rituals, hydration and nutrition plan. Avoid introducing new foods, equipment, or major changes that may disrupt your routine.
  6. Stay Active: While reducing volume, incorporate light, low-impact activities like easy runs, swimming, cycling, or yoga to keep your body moving and maintain fitness without adding excessive stress. Avoid high-impact or intense workouts that may cause fatigue or risk injury.
  7. Trust Your Training: Remind yourself that tapering is an essential part of the process. Trust in the work you have put in during your training cycle and have confidence in your abilities. The purpose of the taper is to arrive at the Starr Line fresh, rested, and ready to go.

By following these tapering tips, you can optimize your body’s recovery, reduce the risk of injury, and arrive feeling refreshed and ready to give your best performance. Embrace the taper as an opportunity to fine-tune your prep and allow your body to reach its peak potential.

Perform at your peak

run a faster Marathon and Half Marathon

Train hard and accomplish your goals.

Enjoy the process, celebrate small victories along the way, and embrace the journey of becoming a faster and stronger runner.

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