Age Restrictions

By Event Distance

RUNVAN follows the industry norm or age policy requirements:

  • Marathon participants must be 18 years old or older, as of race day
  • Half Marathon participants must be 16 years old or older
  • 10KM, 8KM and 5KM participants must be 11 years old or older
  • Kids Run participants must be aged 6 to 12 years old

Parents/guardians must also sign a waiver during online registration for participants aged 18 or under, and are urged to ensure that young runners have the training and pace judgement to complete the event safely. This policy follows international standards, has been informed by our external medical advisers, and is in place for the safety of participants. Organizers reserve the right to require proof of age.


Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable per the agreed to registration.

For legal and liability reasons, runners cannot offer their unused bib to any other runner.

No exceptions. Registrants violating this policy will be banned from future events.

However for any reason, one may apply in advance for a personal Deferral Discount.

Refunds are not available. The majority of the event’s budget is already committed to well in advance of race day. RUNVAN invests into a marketing campaign that helps attract runners locally and globally, has fixed operational costs, plus makes large advance purchases. Since that product is ordered months in advance, refunds on products like the technical shirts and medals are simply unavailable as they are likely already purchased. Thank you for understanding. All registrants may still collect their race kits at Package Pickup.

The non-profit is financially prudent per its Pillars of Sustainability and has a stated Event Cancellation Policy.

Course Time Limits

Safety is of utmost importance, and course restrictions are in place across all RUNVAN events.

  • Marathon: 6 hour overall course time limit, running the first 30KM within 4 hours
  • Half Marathon: 3 hours
  • 10KM: 2 hours
  • 8KM: 1.5 hours
  • 5KM: 1 hour 10 minutes

Course time limits are based on your wave start time. If you’re unable to complete longer distances within these course time limits, RUNVAN also offers fun 10KM, 8KM and 5KM races. Our non-profit is inclusive to all, plus the community is invited to cheer and volunteer.

Since the races take place on roads, participants will not be allowed to start early or late due to potential live traffic and safety concerns. The course and stations will not be open until the roads are clear and it is deemed safe for participants. Any participant attempting to start early or late will not receive a finisher medal. In addition, the timing company will register your time as a DNF or Did Not Finish.


There will be designated check points along the course with officials that monitor and encourage runners to stay on pace and to ensure completion within the cut off time. Should you not be able to keep pace with the stated time limits, you’ll be politely asked to remove yourself from the course as the event will be officially closed. A sweep vehicle will be available for pickup if necessary. 

Time limits are in place for a multitude of reasons including for safety, financial and logistical. For more detail, please visit our FAQs.

Runners may take as long as they wish to safely complete their virtual race distances.


Prohibited Items

The use of bicycles, inline skates and pets are prohibited during in-person races. Strollers are permitted at the Granville Island Turkey Trot 10KM event only. Strollers are not permitted at any other RUNVAN race. Hydration vests are allowed. Backpacks are not allowed for safety reasons. The right to disqualify runners who fail to comply with this policy is at the sole decision of event organizers.

Drone use, personal and commercial, is also strictly prohibited at any Vancouver International Marathon Society event.


For runner safety, headphones and music devices are strongly discouraged. There is no risk of disqualification for simple use. However, if a runner puts themselves or others at risk, directly or indirectly, the runner will be disqualified. The event kindly requests all participants to please remove headphones and enjoy the race day vibes!


RUNVAN provides Pacers at all events. Additional Elite Pacers should be made known to all competitors, including the target pace or Estimated Finish Time so as to ensure others equal opportunity to benefit from that pacing, if they so desire. Pacers must also be registered in the same race they are pacing, and start at the very start of the event, running the entire race unless and until they drop out.

Course Availability

Races are restricted and limited to officially registered participants only with a valid race bib. All participants must Register Online.

The Society reserves the right to disqualify any individual from the event. Individuals disqualified will be removed from the results and barred from future events. This disqualification may be based on, but is not limited to, competing with an unofficial bib number; competing with an official bib number assigned to another person; transferring or attempting to transfer an official bib number, or to obtain such bib number from another person; being paced during the race by a person not entered in the race; accepting assistance from non-race participants; finishing without having completed the entire course or without having a clearly visible race bib. Participants may also be disqualified for providing false information during registration; unsportsmanlike conduct; or for failing to follow the Runner Code of Conduct

Participants are also encouraged to educate their cheer squad of the stated Fan Policy.

Event Cancellation POLICY

The Vancouver International Marathon Society, in accordance with the Board, City officials and local law enforcement, has the authority to cancel any of the events for emergency purposes such as, but not limited to, inclement weather or threat of terrorism. If such emergency conditions force cancellation, refunds cannot be provided since funds will have been spent in preparation for race day. 

If the event is cancelled due to events beyond the reasonable control, such as acts of God, acts of government, acts of wars, epidemics, quarantines, riots, fire, strikes or labour problems (including legal work stoppages or slowdowns), unavailability of communications or electrical power or other necessary utility services, governmental regulations superimposed after the fact and earthquakes, floods and other disasters, and other events of a similar nature (collectively, “Force Majeure Events”), depending on the date of cancellation, the Society shall provide participants the following:

Event Cancellation announced two months prior to the initially scheduled event date:

  • Entry switch into this year’s Virtual Race, race bonuses, AND
  • 75% Deferral Discount into one of the next events.

Event Cancellation announced within two months of the initially scheduled event date:

  • Entry switch into this year’s Virtual Race, race bonuses, AND
  • 25% Deferral Discount into one of the next three BMO Vancouver Marathon events

Refunds are not available per the stated Refund Policy.

Runner Code of Conduct

RUNVAN and its events are committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for all participants and fans. We are deeply committed to fostering an inclusive environment, free of discrimination and harassment. As an entrant, runners are requested to follow the general Code of Conduct below:

  • Display a valid Race Bib on the front of your body, throughout the entire event, including at the Start Line, on course and at the Finish Line. Bibs are non-transferrable. One may not compete without a valid event bib, in the wrong corral wave or wrong event. Individuals found violating, or attempting to violate this rule, will be removed from the course and banned from future RUNVAN events.  
  • Follow event protocols which includes picking up your kit in advance, being prepared for gear check if utilized, starting with your assigned corral, removing headphones, listening to event officials, allowing others to pass, never littering, taking one serving of each food item only, and not inviting non-participants into race participant zones. Please note medals and food are for paid entrants only, and participants are limited to one item each per runner.
  • Stay within course boundaries, and allow others to pass. Compete fairly and safely. Exiting or attempting to exit the course boundaries, or any other locations other than that permitted by participant entry, will result in a disqualification DNF and Did Not Finish. Participants must stay within course boundaries as designated by event officials, marshals, traffic cones, barriers, and other markings, at all times.
  • Refrain from inviting fans within course boundaries to pace, race, or celebrate. Inviting or attempting to invite other non-participants including children onto the course, or any other locations other than that permitted by a fan’s credential, is strictly prohibited. If you have a cheer squad, please notify them that they’re also requested to follow a general Fan Code of Conduct
  • Behave appropriately. Behaviour that is unruly, disruptive, threatening or violent in nature, including verbal or physical harassment of officials, participants, staff or fans will not be tolerated. Similarly, you may not engage in irresponsible use or consumption of alcohol or other substances. Conduct that results in damage to others, personal property, or event venues, is obviously unacceptable.
  • Welcome all, and be respectful of everyone. Displaying flags, signs, symbols, images, using language or making gestures that are threatening, abusive, or discriminatory, including on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, ability, and/or sexual orientation is not tolerated. RUNVAN is welcoming to all per its EDI Policy.
  • Participate without negatively impacting others. Displaying signs, symbols or images for commercial purposes or for campaigning or advocating for or against any candidate, political party, legislative issue, or government action is discouraged. Refrain from behaviour that otherwise targets others or interferes with others’ enjoyment of the event and please respect our brand partners.
  • Be environmentally responsible. Throwing objects of any kind, including gel packs and water cups or water bottles, is prohibited on course. Hold your waste until an event aid station and use the available garbage and recycling bins throughout the course and post Finish Line. Never litter on course. Do not litter, use any pyrotechnic devices, streamers or other prohibited items.

Please also pay attention to all race announcements and compete safely. Follow requests from staff regarding operations, policies and potential emergency response procedures.

Any participant who violates any of these provisions may be subject to penalty, including, but not limited to, ejection without refund, plus loss of entry and bans from future events.

Runner Etiquette

In registering as a participant, the entrant agrees to take part in a spirit of fair play, honesty and integrity within the event rules and regulations. To make the most out of your experience, please also familiarize yourself with the etiquette points below:

Before Race Day

Race Day:

  • Be Prepared. Have all your race clothing and gear ready the day before
  • Arrive early, approximately one hour before your race start time
  • Wear your Race Bib number on the front of your shirt and do not cover it ever
  • Pay attention to all race announcements and please remove your headphones
  • Do not litter. Use washrooms, portables, the garbage and recycling bins provided
  • Line up in your assigned corral, and allow faster participants to line up at the front
  • Do not block the race course. Allow others to pass on the left with verbal cues
  • Do not block stations and never litter. Carry your gel packs and cups if necessary
  • Run through the Finish Line. Keep moving so as not to impede others
  • Take one serving of each food item only
  • Yield to potential emergency vehicles
  • Thank volunteers!

It is the RUNVAN® Mission to deliver premiere running events that inspire active lifestyles and invite the world to experience Vancouver! Please share any comments or feedback directly with the RUNVAN via email: [email protected]


Athletes with racing wheelchairs are welcome to participate in the event. Hand-cycles are prohibited. Please indicate in the registration form that you are participating in a wheelchair. Participants may also race with race-approved wheelchair where both the wheelchair participant and escort participant must be registered, and where escorts will be required to have the wheelchair tethered to their body, arm, wrist or waist, to ensure the wheelchair does not leave their company for the duration of the event. The wheelchair must have brakes.

The Vancouver International Marathon Society reserves the right at any time to revoke the privilege of participants if there’s a determined safety risk. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. All wheelchair participants must submit a picture of their race wheelchair and receive official approval prior to race day via email: [email protected].

Wheelchair Requirements

For safety reasons, acceptable wheelchairs are as follows:

  • Marathon: Racing Wheelchairs, Sport Chairs
  • Half Marathon: Racing Wheelchairs, Sport Chairs
  • 10KM, 8KM, 5KM, Kids: Racing Wheelchairs, Power Chairs, Sport Chairs
  • For safety considerations, hand cycles are not permitted

Another registered participant must be tethered to the wheelchair via their body, wrist or arm, and ensure the wheelchair does not leave their company for the event’s duration. Wheelchair participants must have brakes on their chair and receive race official approval first.

Wheelchair Start Times

Racing Wheelchairs may potentially start before others, while Sport Chairs are likely to start in the second corral. Please first consult with event organizers as the start timing and wave may differ dependent on the race course. Please email: [email protected].

All wheelchair participants must submit a picture of their wheelchair for approval.

Arrangements may be made to transport a participant’s non-racing wheelchair to the Finish Line if requested.

Nordic Poles and Walkers

Nordic Pole Walkers are discouraged due to course congestion. However, should poles be required, participants may be placed in the last corral and instructed to walk on the side of the course to reduce any potential congestion. All walkers must still meet Course Time Limits.

Visually Impaired

Persons with visual impairment or low-vision are welcome to participate with a guide. Please indicate in the registration form that you are participating with a guide and, if you’d like help finding a guide, please phone: 604 872 2928.



It is the responsibility of each runner (“Runner”) to use the chip timing device (“Chip”) appropriately. Race bibs should be stored flat without folds and worn on the front of the shirt for accurate results. The Bib contains a timing device and any misuse of the race bib may interfere with the effectiveness of the chip. For this reason, race bibs are not mailed and must be collected during Package Pickup.

To maintain the integrity of race results, results for any particular runner may be invalid in the circumstances following:

  • Where (Chip) times at specific locations have not been recorded, despite both start and finish (Chip) times having been recorded;
  • Where there is a significant difference between split times, including between the first half and the second half of the race.
  • In such other circumstances, where a result is questionable as determined by the sole and exclusive decision of the race directors.

In the event a Runner’s time has not been validated in the circumstances described above, the Runner may appeal the non-validation of the runner’s time through a request in writing. Such review will be based on the written explanation of the runner and a review of event footage. All decisions by the Society as to any such appeal are final. Further, the Society will notify result changes and validation with BC Athletics, Athletics Canada, and other such race governing organizations as appropriate.

Gun and Chip Time

RUNVAN records results for both Gun Time and Chip Time. Gun Time is the time from the start of the race gun to when you cross the finish line as per IAAF, Athletics Canada, USATF, AIMS and International Awards standards. This time will be used for Elites and Overall Champions. Chip time is the time recorded by the BibTag/ Timing Chip once a runner crosses the Start Line during their wave start, then the Finish Line.

Gun time will be the Official time for the top three overall male and female winners in each race distance. Chip time will be the Official time for all other runners, including Age Group winners. In the spirit of competition and high-performance, RUNVAN is proud to reward complimentary entry for first-place Age Group winners for the following year. As this based on Chip Time, please remember to only start with your assigned corral and start wave to ease congestion and allow volunteers to better assist everyone on course.

For virtual races, virtual results are not validated and are based on an honour system so submission of GPS tracking app data is encouraged.

Doping PolicY

RUNVAN fully complies and collaborates with the programs established by Athletics Canada (AC), including its Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP), Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, World Athletics, and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). 

All RUNVAN events are subject to doping control.

We anticipate all athletes to adhere to fair play standards. Athletes may be subject to testing pre or post-event. Athletes under any form of suspension imposed by these governing bodies will be ineligible to participate. RUNVAN does not impose additional bans on athletes beyond those already enforced by CCES, CAS, and WADA, which most often will include an exclusionary ban on competition.

Fan Code of Conduct

Spectator fans of the event and its participants should also agree to foster a safe, comfortable, inclusive and enjoyable experience for all. Everyone is welcome. If you are a runner, please also share these notes with your fellow fans!

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the etiquette notes below:

  • Respect course boundaries by staying within designated fan areas, and not impeding on the course. For safety, liability and legal reasons, fans may never enter onto the course for the event duration. Fans including children may not cross the Finish Line with registrants.
  • Ensure a safe and welcoming environment by engaging in positive and respectful behaviour towards officials, participants and other fans.
  • Be environmentally responsible. Pack out what you pack in. Use available garbage and recycling bins. Do not throw any objects onto the course and never litter. Avoid using unauthorized items such as pyrotechnic devices, fireworks, smoke emitters and streamers.
  • Be welcoming to all. Refrain from displaying signs for commercial, political, or campaign purposes, as well as signs, symbols, images, or using language that is threatening, abusive, or discriminatory. Spectators may not guerrilla market and should respect all event partners.
  • Adhere to requests and guidelines regarding operations, policies, and potential emergency procedures.

Any fan who violates any of these provisions may be subject to penalty, including, but not limited to, ejection without refund or loss of ticket privileges for future events. Any fan and associated runner who conducts themselves in an extremely disruptive or dangerous manner may be banned from all future events.

Everyone is also requested to please follow the Society’s EDI Policy.

Runners are also reminded of their own Code of Conduct.

Bag Policy

Backpacks will not be welcome inside event venues, near the Start Line, event course or Finish Line area. Any bags inside the event’s runner areas require security clearance. Volunteers and contractors are requested to avoid bringing backpacks and bags if possible.

  • At the large-scale BMO Vancouver Marathon, runners must use the provided clear Gear Check Bags for Gear Check.
  • Runners are requested to use their own bags for Gear Check at local events. No loose items will be accepted.

Come out race weekend and Cheer Loud!

Event Partners

Use of Event Brands and the Marathon Brand are subject to RUNVAN authorization. All RUNVAN events including the BMO Vancouver Marathon ‘Marathon Brand’ are comprised of logos, marks, designs, words, phrases, and other distinctive features or Brand Assets. Only event organizers, official sponsors, licensees, and select partners, may utilize these Brand Assets with expressed written consent.

The most effective way to engage in the excitement and opportunities created by RUNVAN events and the Marathon Brand is to become a RUNVAN marketing partner and sponsor. To learn more, please contact us via phone: 604 872 2928 or email: [email protected].

Unauthorized brands may not engage in marketing, or activate along race courses, to create unauthorized commercial association with any RUNVAN events. This includes unauthorized, branded cheer stations. Thank you for understanding. For further info, please view our Fan Code of Conduct and Pillars of Sustainability.

General Release and Waiver of Liability

Event registrants will be required to agree to a General Release and Waiver of Liability upon sign-up. By agreeing to it, you will waive and give up certain legal rights, including your ability to sue or claim compensation following a potential accident.

In order to participate in RUNVAN events organized by the Society (each, an “Event”), you must accept and agree to the terms, or the Release and Waiver of Liability (the “Release”) in favour of the Vancouver International Marathon Society (the “Society”); the City of Vancouver; and the Province of British Columbia; and each and every director, officer, employee, affiliate, agent, delegate, representative, contractor, supplier, volunteer, sponsor, and provider of medical services of these persons with respect to their involvement with the Events in any way (collectively, all such parties are the “Released Parties”), and by doing so, in consideration of you being accepted to participate in any Event, and for other good and valuable consideration (the sufficiency of which is acknowledged), you agree as follows:

  • Assumption of Risk: Participation in the Event is purely voluntary and you may elect to participate, in spite of risks.
  • Release of Liability: Registrants agree to release, waive and hold harmless the Released Parties.
  • Fitness: You must acknowledge you are in good health and physically capable of participating in the Event. 
  • Medical Treatment: Registrants consent to first aid and medical treatment if unable to consent at the time. 

The above is only a brief summary. Full release and all legal notes must be read and signed at the time of registration.


As an event registrant, you agree that all photographs, video, and images taken by any employee, director, representative, contractor, volunteer, or agent of the Society, in any media, are the property of the Society and may be used in any way, including publicity and advertising, without permission or payment. Fans are further advised of general image releases when near event photography zones.

Registered participants also consent to the collection, use, and potential disclosure of personal information for the purposes of billing, or results, or otherwise, when requested by anti-doping bodies, government or regulatory authorities for public health purposes and/or for journalistic purposes, or otherwise in accordance with the Society’s Privacy Policy.

The above is only a brief summary. Full release and all legal notes must be read and signed at the time of registration.

The Vancouver International Marathon Society RUNVAN is committed to respecting the privacy and confidentiality of information provided by our customers. RUNVAN is not in the business of selling participant or customer lists or personal information to others. The goal of our e-news is to provide readers with valuable race information.


Please follow us on social @runvancanada and Email Subscribe.


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