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Join in!

RUNVAN offers races for everyone. Please register early, as all races are anticipated to hit sellout capacity. Register now for our next upcoming races, the Granville Island Turkey Trot 10KM and 1KM Kids Run, plus the Great Trek 36.1KM, 21.1KM, 10KM and 5KM races in October.

The 2025 BMO Vancouver Marathon, Half Marathon and 8KM are all at full capacity already, reaching sell-out numbers faster than ever. Thank you! Limited space remains in the BMO Vancouver Marathon Kids Run for youth aged 6-13 year’s old. Thank you, Vancouver!

You’re still invited to Volunteer and Cheer

You may save  with green bib options that forgo race giveaways (ie. event shirt), while still enjoying all other race benefits including medals.

Bib transfers are not allowed for safety, legal and liability reasons. If one attempts to race without an officially registered race bib, that time will be registered as DNF, and organizers may ban that runner and the initial registrant from future races. You may apply for a Deferral Discount.

Runners are encouraged to register early for all RUNVAN events. RUNVAN continues to draw top caliber talent and appeal to the running community. For the latest news, please also follow on social @runvancanada and ensure you are an Email Subscriber.


In-person races include:

  • Measured and marked courses
  • Race bibs with timing chips
  • Race medals for all in-person finishers
  • Tech shirt option at our local races
  • Green Bib option
  • Options to donate and fundraise for charity
  • Pacers for multiple race times
  • Race results, leaderboards and more

Join in! RUNVAN®

As a local non-profit, RUNVAN® is proud to offer races for everyone. Join our first race of the year with the First Half and continue to race with us in the new year with the BMO Vancouver Marathon!

Event Giveaways

Race offers are limited in quantity. Only for those who register early, exclusive gifts are included with the Granville Island Turkey Trot and Great Trek. After event product sells-out, runners may still have an option to join with a Green Bib, space permitting.

All races have an event capacity limit and sell-out numbers are anticipated once again. Don’t miss these next events. Register early to save extra.

Ellie Greenwood

You may choose to claim included gifts at the Granville Island Turkey Trot and Great Trek, or go green to save extra and go without these giveaway items. Race results, food and medals are still available for all finishers, including those who go green.

Run & Give

Grand Slam

Score the RUNVAN® Grand Slam by running all four RUNVAN® events in the same calendar year, starting with the First Half, BMO Vancouver Marathon, Granville Island Turkey Trot and Great Trek. Grand Slam runners earn a bonus reward!



First Half —

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BMO Vancouver Marathon —