Frequently Asked QuestionsEvent Info
RUNVAN operates Canada’s premier running events. To register for an event, please complete the relevant form below. Entry must be completed online. Spots are limited. Register early to secure your spot. All events are anticipated to reach sell out capacity.
Editing Registration
Transfer or Switch Event Distance
To switch your event distance, find the ‘Transfer‘ tab after you log into your Race Roster Participant Dashboard, or from the buttons below for the sold-out BMO Vancouver Marathon.
From your registered event page, click the ‘Transfer‘ tab top-right, select your new distance, and follow the prompts.
Race transfer and switch fees may apply, and you may have to pay a higher price as the event fee is the price at the current date. Entry fees due are the latest current fees, at the date of the switch, and may not be the initial fee.
Switches must be made in advance and are subject to availability. While organizers reserve some spots to accommodate change requests, space remains limited. Races are capped in accordance to City permits for a multitude of reasons, including safety.
Note: If a runner competes in another race distance without officially switching or transferring events, that runner’s time will register as DNF, or Did Not Finish, and organizers will ban that runner from future races.
For safety and liability reasons, bibs are non-transferable to other unregistered runners. Unofficial transfers also are subject to bans. Thank you for understanding.
Estimated Finish Time, Bib Name
To edit your personal information, including Estimated Finish Time or Custom Bib Name, log into your Race Roster Participant Dashboard. From your event page, click the blue ‘Edit Registration‘ tab, ‘Registration Questions‘, and enter your new Estimated Finish Time or Name and click ‘Save’.
Please note, editing Estimated Finish Time and Custom Bib Name typically closes three weeks prior to the race.
How do I create or join a team?
To join a team, please do so during the registration process or login to your Participant Dashboard. Fun teams may be created across all event distances. There is no maximum or minimum. If you do have 10+ team members, please email: [email protected].
Teams and referrals are eligible for potential prizing!
Registration Confirmation
How Do I Know if I’m Registered?
You will receive email confirmation once registered. To confirm your race registration, you may also login to your Race Roster Participant Dashboard to view all of your transaction details, receipts, and manage any pending transfer requests.
Refer Your Friends
Share your Referral Tracking Promotional Link from your Confirmation Email if you’re already registered, or ‘Sign in’ to your Race Roster Participant Dashboard. The more friends you refer, the more chances to win. Refer a friend and you’ll both be eligible to win prizes!
Sellout Capacity
The non-profit Vancouver International Marathon Society RUNVAN® continues to drive sell-out capacity numbers across its events. Capacity limits are set in collaboration with City of Vancouver Stakeholders. No waitlist. No exceptions. Thank you for understanding.
Bib transfers are not allowed for safety, legal and liability reasons. If one attempts to race without an officially registered race bib, that time will be registered as DNF, and organizers will ban that runner and the initial registrant from future races.
Runners are encouraged to register early for all RUNVAN events. RUNVAN continues to draw top caliber talent and appeal to the running community. For the latest news, please also follow on social @runvancanada and ensure you are an Email Subscriber.
Caps are set pre-event in collaboration with City Stakeholders. These limits help ensure an optimal racing experience for all, including runners and volunteers. Foremost, safety and the ability to deliver emergency medical services is of utmost importance.
BC’s uniquely scenic courses further limit capacity. Caps are set to ensure an optimal race experience without being overly crowded.
RUNVAN thanks the community for the overwhelming support that has helped RUNVAN and the BMO Vancouver Marathon continue to grow. The Marathon event now annually attracts runners from nearly 65 countries annually.
The community is also reminded you don’t have to be a runner to take part in the BMO Vancouver Marathon or any RUNVAN event. Come out and show out Vancouver. Volunteer and cheer!
Bibs are non-transferrable and non-refundable. Registrants unable to participate will receive a 75% Deferral Discount if notified at least one month out. The Deferral Discount is eligible for the following year’s event and is valid for any reason including potential personal or work conflicts, injury, etc. Medical Deferral Discounts will also be granted if identified within one month but prior to race start. Deferral Requests must be made in advance of Race Day.
To apply for a Deferral for any reason, log into your Race Roster Participant Dashboard, click the blue ‘Edit Registration‘ button top-right, toggle to the tab ‘Registration Questions.’ Check ‘yes‘ in the first Deferral box and respond to the subsequent questions and click save. Once you mark yourself as a deferral, your registration is inactive and you will no longer be able to collect a race kit from Package Pickup.
You’ll receive notice for a 75% Deferral Discount Code for the following year after next year’s race. This new code will be emailed you at the time next year’s race opens. Please be patient. Please also consider becoming a Start Line Volunteer to assist and enjoy this year’s event.
Refunds are not available per Race Policies. The non-profit is financially prudent per its Pillars of Sustainability.
Package Pickup
Please bring your Photo ID and Package Pickup QR Code shared via email from [email protected], which will also contain your Confirmation Number. All runners must pick up their race kits during Package Pickup hours, ahead of race day. There is no race day Package Pickup at any event. For specific event details, please visit the relevant links below.
All runners are encouraged to pickup their own race kits. You may also pick up someone else’s package only if you also have a copy of their Photo ID and Package Pickup QR Code with their Confirmation Number.
Please plan ahead, race day pickups will not be permitted.
Event Shirts
Shirt sizes are not guaranteed as they are ordered well in advance, so please visit the Expo early for the best chance to receive your selected shirt size. Thank you for understanding.
You may be able to exchange your race shirt on the last day of the Expo, on a first-come first-serve basis, while sizes and quantities last. Please visit event specific Package Pickup Info.
Any shirts unclaimed will be donated to charity. Organizers connect with local school groups to distribute any potential left-over shirts to help inspire active lifestyles. Thank you for considering donating your shirt by leaving it at Expo.
Green Bibs
Runners who opt-in for the ‘Green Bib’ skip the official Event Shirt and save slightly on race fees. If you’d like to switch your entry after registering, please login to your Race Roster Participant Dashboard. Find your event, click the ‘Transfer‘ tab top-right, then select the Regular or Green Bib option and follow the prompts.
Note: If switching race type, fees apply per Transfer Policies.
Gear Check
For Gear Check specifics pre-race, please check the relevant race pages directly on the event site:
The intent of Gear Check is to provide yourself with dry, warm clothes post-race. While gear may be checked race day at our local events, due to the logistics and sheer volume, it’s not available ‘morning of’ at the point-to-point BMO Vancouver Marathon or Half Marathon.
Tip: If you’d like to stay warm all the way up until your race start, consider wearing an old shirt and leave it on the corral fence just before you start your race. Volunteers will collect discarded clothing near the Start Line and the event will donate discarded clothing to charity.
Do not check any valuables. Although all RUNVAN volunteers will do its best to ensure your gear is waiting for you at the end of the race, the non-profit is not responsible for potentially lost or damaged items.

To help speed up the Gear Check process, please follow the steps below:
- Place all items you’d like checked into your own bag please. No loose items.
- Detach the tear-off tag at the bottom of your race bib.
- Attach your tear-off tag securely to the outside of your bag, near the top.
- Hand your one tagged bag to the volunteers at Gear Check.
- After you finish, return with your race bib to collect your bag.
Clothing discarded near the Start Line will be donated to charity.
Start Line
Arrive early, and ensure your race bib is unobstructed on the front of your shirt. Line up in your assigned corral only. Note: All event distances and corrals have slightly different official Start Times. Your official race bib, which you’ll pick up in advance of Race Day at Package Pickup, will also include this estimated Start Time. For general Start Times, you may visit the event specific websites below:
Is there parking at the start?
There is no official event parking near race Start Lines. Participants are encouraged to consider public transit and TravelSmart.
- First Half – consider catching the Skytrain to nearby Yaletown-Roundhouse Station
- BMO Vancouver Marathon – consider catching Canada Line to Kind Edward Station; 8KM to Burrard
- Granville Island Turkey Trot – arrive by 8am race day for free parking on Granville Island until 1pm
- Great Trek at UBC – consider busing to campus, or parking at UBC’s North Parkade or Rose Garden Parkade
Corrals and start waves are assigned based on Estimated Finish Times to allow volunteers to better assist you, and ensure a smooth race day experience for all. Please ensure that you only start with your assigned corral, and allow faster participants to line up in front. Don’t stress, age category awards are based on chip time, not gun time, and your official results will include your chip time based on when you first cross the Start Line.
Your assigned corral may be found on your official race bib.
Bib numbers
Bib numbers will be assigned closer to event day and may be seen on the event site /results.
Bib Numbers have no correlation with corrals, they are to assist with Gear Check. You’ll want to note your corral colour, which determines your official start wave and Start Time.
As a mass participation event, we thank you for following industry best practices to ensure a smooth race day for all.
Course Time Limits
The courses will only be open for a set duration, dependent on City permitting. For specifics, please visit our Race Policies.
To ensure safety, medical and volunteer support services are available to all runners, and to abide by City Permitting requirements, Traffic Management Plans and Road Closure obligations, time restrictions are in place for all events. RUNVAN works closely alongside the City of Vancouver, Vancouver Police Department, Vancouver Park Board, and Translink to ensure its events go off safely and smoothly.
RUNVAN pays for all Traffic Management Plans and Road Closures, plus covers the costs to offset additional staffing employed by the Vancouver Police Department, Park Rangers, Rockdoc Consulting Medical, other Traffic Personnel and event stakeholders. Holding the course open any longer is extremely cost prohibitive. Logistically, having the course open longer is also extremely difficult. The events are reliant on nearly 3,000 volunteers and, ultimately, safety is everyone’s top priority.
Time limits ensure RUNVAN may provide services for all participants including runners, volunteers and spectators. Should you not be able to meet the time limit, you’re encouraged to potentially consider a shorter event distance or potentially a future event. Everyone is invited! Join the community to run, cheer and volunteer.
Is the BMO Vancouver Marathon a Boston Qualifier?
Yes, the BMO Vancouver Marathon with its 6 hour overall course time limit is also a Boston Marathon Qualifier. In fact, the BMO Vancouver Marathon is continually one of the world’s top qualifying races for the Boston Marathon and their BQ Boston Marathon Qualifying Times.
Water & Aid Stations
Masses of volunteers will cheer you on and keep you hydrated race day! Spread out along each of our courses, aid stations may be fully stocked with a variety of electrolytes, nutrition and water. Check out the course map for your event specifics.
Never litter. Dispose of goods such as cups, gels, etc. in close proximity to the aid stations on-course.
- Do not dispose of items on course, along the Seawall, or close to the shoreline. Never litter.
- Use the clearly marked recycling stations, not City bins, at the Start and Finish Line
- Dispose of all recyclable food in recycling stations and garbage at green waste stations
- Post finish, please only take one serving of each food and beverage item.
Need to take a pit stop? Pit Stop Portables will help provide toilets at numerous stations including at the Start and Finish.
Keep moving once you finish! Grab your finisher medal featuring the event’s affectionate secondary logo by talented Musqueam designer Darryl Blyth. In addition to great Indigenous art, medals each year feature updated graphic designs often showcasing icons seen on your race route. Wear your keepsake proudly while you continue to the post-race area and Victory Plaza! Take your selfies there and share ’em on social @runvancanada #runvan
Never litter. Dispose of goods such as cups, gels, etc. in close proximity to the aid stations on-course.
Post finish, please only take one serving of each food and beverage item.
The event will upload Event Photos ASAP. Please share your own on social @runvancanada #runvan
As a local non-profit, RUNVAN relies on nearly 3,000 volunteer annually. Thank you for helping deliver memorable experiences for all. By volunteering, you are also eligible to receive potential RUNVAN gifts such as shirts, refreshments or other benefits. To learn more and volunteer, or for volunteer educational documents, please visit our site /volunteer.
The community is invited to cheer at all RUNVAN events. Let’s hear your voice! As a non-profit, our goal is to create community spirit, and so we invite you to cheer on friends, family, and complete strangers! You don’t have to be a runner to enjoy the race day excitement. At all run events, RUNVAN hosts Block Parties and Entertainment Stations on course for the whole community to enjoy. Plus, watch out for potential fan giveaways! For more information and to join in, visit our site /cheer.
RUNVAN is proud to support charitable causes. You may choose to donate during registration, or afterwards through our site /give.
How to Become a Charity Runner
You may select to become a ‘Charity Runner’ during online registration. If you’d like to change your status after registering, please email us: [email protected]. Include your Confirmation Number and the Charity Name you’d like to raise funds for. There is no obligation if you select a charity to fundraise for. However, at the BMO Vancouver, if you fundraise a minimum of $400, RUNVAN will refund 20% of your race entry! Learn more about the BMO Vancouver Marathon RUN4HOPE Charity Program.
Race routes may intermittently impact local traffic. The non-profit RUNVAN, in coordination with multiple stakeholders including the City of Vancouver, the Vancouver Police Department, and TransLink work closely to ensure all events go off safely and smoothly. Motorists are encouraged to avoid travel during impacted hours, or to plan ahead for likely delays and stoppages on affected routes.
Events follow a rolling road closure and opening protocol. This means that roads will close and only later reopen as runners pass through the course. Please also be aware of potential no-parking zones along the race course.
For specific details, please visit the specific event links below:
Event Conditions
Safety is a top priority, and we are dedicated to delivering safe and memorable events for all.
For the predicted alert of the next upcoming event, please visit the link below.