Pillars of Sustainability
Event Sustainability
Economic Health is obviously important for long-term event sustainability. RUNVAN carefully manages revenues and expenses to ensure they are deployed in the most effective and efficient manner. Our volunteer Finance Committee oversees the financial performance of the organization, while our volunteer Board of Directors carries the overall fiduciary responsibility of the organization.
RUNVAN follows a standardized No Refund Policy and generic Event Cancellation Policy. All events still allow Deferral Discounts.
There are no race refunds because the majority of the event’s budget is already committed to well in advance of race day. Thank you for understanding.
The non-profit is financially prudent per our Pillars of Sustainability herein. Here’s an overview by section:
How do we do it?
Inclusive to all, RUNVAN events have expanded over the years to now includes races for everyone, highlighted by Vancouver’s only Marathon, fast Half Marathons, 10KM, 8KM, 5KM races and Kids Runs. Plus, some of the key components that are part of our events are distinctively outside of the run itself. The vision is to be a top destination marathon and home of the best running events in Canada.
Entry fees are directed back into the events themselves and overall event execution.
Participant fees only account for a portion of average, actual revenues:
Source of Funding
- 63% Participant Entry Fees
- 24% Sponsorship, Partners
- 7% Grants or other
- 6% Expo
Covering Costs
Wholly organized by the non-profit Vancouver International Marathon Society, RUNVAN pays for all traffic management plans and traffic personnel necessary for all of its events, plus covers staffing costs required to offset the additional Vancouver Police Department and Park Rangers employed on race days. RUNVAN covers race day medical and emergency personnel, plus equipment and entertainment, supplies and City services like police officers, fire officials, engineering support and sanitation services. RUNVAN further offsets the costs of re-routes and additional costs incurred by TransLink. These operating costs are all significant.
RUNVAN also invests in volunteer engagement, which is at core of the organization. Founded by, governed by, and supported by volunteers, the Society remains one of the few non-profits, volunteer-based organizations left in the sector. Nearly 3,000 volunteers annually contribute over 16,000 person hours.
Runner shirts, food, medals, bibs, and timing; elite athlete support and prizing; course signs, sound, and entertainment including new block parties; medical and emergency personnel and equipment - 17% MARKETING
Race communications including sophisticated digital marketing to help attract runners from nearly 65 countries annually - 15% TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT
Traffic management plans and traffic personnel to cover road detours; transit plans and passes; city services like police officers, fire officials, engineering support and sanitation services - 11% OPERATIONS
Supplies like toilets, tents, water, safety cones, and course markers - 10% ADMIN
Warehousing, technology, insurance, accounting, legal, utilities, and our small events team supporting the local non-profit - 9% VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION
Volunteer training, shirts, and food, helping to support nearly 3,000 volunteers annually - 6% EXPO
Covering free Expos, which are open to the general public to help inspire healthy, active lifestyles

RUNVAN is also engaged with charitable causes and community outreach initiatives.
In addition to supporting aspiring Elite Athletes, RUNVAN is proud to make sport more accessible to those who may otherwise face financial barriers to participating. RUNVAN offers free youth running clinics with a focus on creating fun, social running experiences for youth, plus offers special complimentary race entry to those who may be in financial need. Further, the non-profit donates any potentially unused event food and event clothing to local charities.
Furthermore, through the RUN4HOPE Charity program, which allows runners to fundraise for numerous charities, RUNVAN events have helped runners raise over $16 million for charity since 1996.
Join in
Community Initiatives
As a local non-profit, RUNVAN is also proud to invite the general public to enjoy a number of free events during our race weekends.
RUNVAN continues to grow the sport of running, to improve health outcomes, to create a spirit of community celebration, to inspire volunteerism, and to share this great running city with others. We do this for more than just the runners.
Join in!
- Expo events pre-race allow runners to plan ahead, but they also help to inspire others to live healthier, more active lifestyles
- Block Parties – potentially includes heaters and seating for spectators, and free fan giveaways!
- Street Festivals, Post Race Celebrations, etc – potentially includes food trucks, promos and more for the community
Runners aren’t required to enjoy RUNVAN events. Come volunteer and cheer.
RUNVAN events are more than just races.
The Society brings together diverse groups in a celebration of community, sport and healthy, active living.
Event Partners
Use of Event Brands and the Marathon Brand are subject to RUNVAN authorization. All RUNVAN events including the BMO Vancouver Marathon ‘Marathon Brand’ are comprised of logos, marks, designs, words, phrases, and other distinctive features or Brand Assets. Only event organizers, official sponsors, licensees, and select partners, may utilize these Brand Assets with expressed written consent.
The most effective way to engage in the excitement and opportunities created by RUNVAN events and the Marathon Brand is to become a RUNVAN marketing partner and sponsor. To learn more, please contact us via phone: 604 872 2928 or email: [email protected].
In order for a non-sponsoring business to reference an Event Brand or Marathon Brand, all reference must be factually correct and editorially relevant. Furthermore, you must meet the requirements below:
- Not involve unauthorized use of the Event Brand or Marathon Brand Assets
- Not give undue prominence or special featuring to the event or Marathon
- Not be commercially motivated
- Not create an unauthorized commercial association with the event or Marathon
Event Brand and Marathon Brand Assets include the following:
- Event Logos – First Half, BMO Vancouver Marathon, RUNVAN, etc
- Event Name – Vancouver Marathon, etc – including any variations or abbreviations
- Event Distances – 42.2KM, 21.1KM, 10KM, 8KM, 5KM, Kids Run, Dynasty, Expo
- Event Marks – race maps, colours and fonts
Unauthorized brands may not engage in marketing, or activate along race courses, to create unauthorized commercial association with any RUNVAN events. This includes unauthorized, branded cheer stations. Other examples likely to infringe: A retailer creates a ‘Vancouver Marathoner’ shirt or marketing campaign with the Event Brand Marks such as ‘42.2KM’. This would infringe given that the design or guerrilla marketing attempt features significant prominence of the Event or Marathon and unauthorized use of the Event Assets.
Disclaimer: These guidelines are not legal advice and information contained herein does not in any way limit RUNVAN’s legal rights and remedies. If you think you may have infringed on these usage rights, or you are proposing to do something which you think may infringe, we recommend you connect with our non-profit or seek independent legal advice.
Why protect Event Brands?
RUNVAN relies on brand positioning, marketing, and the sale of exclusive marketing rights to generate revenue, which is used to fund our events. The protection of exclusive marketing rights surrounding Event Brands is necessary to sustain the events. When companies create false or misleading associations with Event Brands or the Marathon Brand without making the financial investment required to secure official marketing rights, they are threatening our non-profit’s brand position, sponsorship and licensing programs.
Protecting sponsor rights encourages support of RUNVAN events, plus helps to foster the success of community initiatives. RUNVAN enforces its rights in a disciplined, sensitive, fair and transparent manner. Thank you for understanding.
Green Pledge
Local non-profit Vancouver International Marathon Society RUNVAN is known in the community for hosting sustainable events with a high waste diversion rate. With the help of Green Chair, we look forward to putting on another green event at our upcoming races, and kindly ask for your support.
Racing isn’t always a simple task, and sometimes it may be easy to forget the little things like recycling. That’s why we’ve created a Runner’s Green Pledge with some key points to help remind you of how you can assist in keeping our City one of the greenest!
- Never litter. Dispose of goods such as cups, gels, etc. in close proximity of the water aid stations.
- Do not dispose of items on bridges, along the Seawall, or close to the shoreline. Never litter.
- Use the clearly marked recycling stations, not City bins, at the Start and Finish Line
- Dispose of all recyclable food in recycling stations and garbage at green waste stations
Thank you for helping keep our events green.

Here’s a quick cheatsheet if helping sort items:
- Compost – Water and electrolyte cups, banana peels, food scraps, wet paper, compostable foodware
- Separate Plastics – Chip bags, plastic bags, candy wrappers
- Garbage – Gel packs, straws, balloons or dirty plastics
- Recycle Paper – Sleeves from coffee cups, brochures
- Mixed – Plastic coffee cup lids, glass jars or bottles
- Refundable – Plastic water bottles, juice boxes, or other deposit beverage containers