Volunteer at the Start Line, where anticipation builds and natural beauty thrives

Imagine that you’ve just arrived at the Marathon and Half Marathon Start Line in Queen Elizabeth Park. Above you, the sun is just beginning to rise, and the sky brightens into a beautiful shade of pink. A bird chirps in the distance, and the smell of cherry blossoms and freshly brewed coffee put a smile on your face.

It’s worth getting up early on a day like this. 2014.M.Website.Landing Pages - Half Marathon v2

After glancing around the busy baseball diamond, you check-in at the Volunteer Tent on the edge of a grassy field.

“Hey, wait up!” A group of volunteers in blue shirts stream by you, laughing together as they carry jugs of water to a special area just for runners. Excited to join in, you quickly locate your Volunteer Captain, who smiles and points you towards the concession stand, where coffee and muffins are laid out for volunteers.

“You’re helping out with the Red corral today,” she says. “Grab a coffee and head over to Midlothian Avenue!”

As you make your way to the food table, you already know from your Volunteer Training Session that corrals are blocked-off areas at a race’s starting line, where runners are grouped according to their Estimated Finish Time. You know that the fastest runners are usually in the first corrals, and the slowest runners are in the back, which ensures a fun, safe start for all participants.

In fact, you signed up to be a Corral Marshal because you liked the thought of helping Marathon and Half Marathon runners begin their journey. You pick up a muffin and overhear another Corral Marshal talking to a friend. “I can’t wait until the Half Marathon runners arrive, and 10,000 runners flow past us—it’s going to be great!”

The three of you introduce yourselves as you walk to the Red runner corral. A band arrives and begins to warm up their instruments. The air fills with sound, and it’s all you can do to keep from dancing.

About an hour from now, you and your crew will guide 2,000 runners into the Red corral, offering high-fives and words of encouragement. But for now, you enjoy the peaceful music and anticipatory atmosphere. That, and, the free coffee, of course!


There are too many ways to lend a hand at the Start Line: from Corral Marshal to Water Station to Information Ambassador, there’s a role that will suit your skills and abilities. What’s more, volunteering at the Start Line is a great place to make friends and to gain experience in setting-up a world-class sporting event. A packed lunch is included, as well as a T-shirt and Volunteer Certificate.

See you on Race Day! Register now!