Join in on race day spirit with the Neighbourhood Challenge presented by Chevron
$7,000 in total cash prizes up for grabs for fans of the BMO Vancouver Marathon
Vancouver, BC – April 26, 2016
School groups, sports teams, and community clubs who show up with the most community spirit at the BMO Vancouver Marathon can win a total of $7,000 courtesy of the Neighbourhood Challenge presented by Chevron. Offering a variety of cash prizes totaling $7,000, the Neighbourhood Challenge presented by Chevron is a fun way for fans to show their spirit and win at the BMO Vancouver Marathon on May 1, 2016.
“We’re lucky to live in a city where the community is so supportive of sports and healthy living,” says Charlene Krepiakevich, Executive Director of the non-profit Vancouver International Marathon Society, organizers of the world-class event annually in May. “We get so many amazing spectators on race day, and the Neighbourhood Challenge presented by Chevron is a great way to involve fans, and the community.”
Spectators are asked to submit photos on social media, tagging @BMOVanMarathon #RunVanFan, for their chance to win. Entries may also be emailed to community@runvan.org.
The top prize of $1,500 will be awarded to a community group that brings out the largest number of spectators and finds creative ways to showcase what makes their community special. $500 cash prizes will also be awarded in the following categories:
- Best Decorated Station/House/business – two $500 awards
- Best Group/Team costume – three $500 awards
- Best Cheer/Dance routine – two $500 awards
- Best UBC student group, team, faculty or department cheering in UBC – two $500
- Best High School, College or University team – two $500
Category winners will be chosen by the event organizers, the non-profit Vancouver International Marathon Society, based on various criteria including providing a safe environment for runners to experience a memorable event.
Scenic spots to sit, or stand up and cheer, are plentiful, as BMO Vancouver Marathons races through 12 Vancouver Neighbourhoods, 6 Beaches and 3 Parks. Supporting the exciting race day atmosphere will also be 34 Entertainment Groups, and over 4,000 volunteers.
Cheer on the fast Elite Athletes, and inspirational Run4Hope members. More than 16,000 runners, from over 60 countries, are registered to run this year’s marathon event through six different races in Vancouver’s only marathon, the fun Marathon Relay, BC Half Marathon Championships, 8KM race, new 2.5KM Walk and Kids Run.
“Our goal is to be one of the world’s best running experiences, celebrating all that is Vancouver, and community support is a huge part of the initiative,” concludes Krepiakevich. “Come out to run, cheer or volunteer. 2016 is a uniquely special year as we celebrate 45 years of Vancouver’s only marathon. Join in!”
Learn more at bmovanmarathon.ca/community