RUNVAN features Indigenous Medal Designs

RUNVAN features Indigenous Medal Designs

RUNVAN DesignsRUNVAN features Indigenous Medal Designs Musqueam artist Darryl Blyth designed this year's beautiful new First Half presented by BlueShore Financial 2023 medal artwork front. The medal back features iconic landmarks around the race...

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Forerunners shares tips for First half race week

Forerunners shares tips for First half race week

By ForerunnersFIRST HALF MARATHON RACE WEEK SUGGESTIONS The last week of your running program is mostly a week of recovery from the past three months of hard training. Here is a list of last minute suggestions that can improve your race time....

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Racing towards better cancer outcomes

Racing towards better cancer outcomes

Press Release, CharityRacing towards better cancer outcomes Vancouver, BC – January 18, 2023 – Racing towards better cancer outcomesAlready the world’s biggest health crisis, cancer rates are expected to rise by 35% in B.C. over the next decade....

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Best costume and Largest teams

Best costume and Largest teams

Race RecapBest Costume and Largest Teams Vancouver, BC – November 1, 2022 – Best costume for Granville Island Turkey Trot 2022 went to Monique Osborne (653), Rachel Gysbers (383), Kim Ngo (1297), Katie Luehmann (548), and Matthew Knott (1106)....

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Great Trek 100th anniversary

Great Trek 100th anniversary

Race RecapGreat Trek 100th anniversary Vancouver, BC – October 24, 2022 – At the Great Trek Half Marathon, 10KM, and 5KM, runners raced through the picturesque university campus, surrounded by autumnal colours, cheering spectators and volunteers....

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Race RecapTHANKSGIVING MONDAY ANNUAL RACE Vancouver, BC – October 24, 2022 – Every year on Thanksgiving Monday, the Granville Island Turkey Trot 10KM is a run, walk, or stroll event open to everybody. The race's ‘Run & Give’ theme benefits the...

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