By ForerunnersFIRST HALF MARATHON RACE WEEK SUGGESTIONS The last week of your running program is mostly a week of recovery from the past three months of hard training. Here is a list of last minute suggestions that can improve your race time....
wORLD-CLASS. COMMUNITY-drivEN.Ankle Mobility Exercises for Runners
By Coast Performance Rehab ClinicAnkle mobility exercises for runners As a runner, each foot hits the ground between 80-100 times a minute. So whether you are novice or experienced, fast or slow, all runners need to keep their feet and ankles...
Hip Strengthening for Runners
By Coast Performance Rehab Clinic. It is no surprise that runners are known for having weak hip muscles. Running is a constant forward motion and so little time is spent training with side-to-side movement.
Race Day Advice for First-Time Marathoners
By RUNVAN®. You’ve put in the work, done the training, and now, Race Day is right around the corner. It’s natural for those Race Day jitters to hit, but it’s important to remember – this is your time to let all that hard work and discipline pay off.
Core Exercises for Runners
By Coast Performance Rehab Clinic. One of the worst things that can happen to a runner is to be sidelined by an injury, especially just before an important race. There are numerous reasons why runners get injured.
What to expect from your first running race
By RUNVAN®. You’ve put in the work, marked your calendar, and now you’re well on your way to running your first-ever race – and we’ve got some tips to get you all the way there.
Optimizing Visibility and Safety While Running
By Rackets & Runners. Autumn is a wonderful time of the year to run, and cooler temperatures create ideal running conditions. Similarly, there are other factors to consider such as lighting and safety.
Moving from 10K to Half Marathon
By RUNVAN®. Half Marathons are rapidly trending towards one of the most popular long-distance events, and conquering the 21.1KM means you’re halfway to running the full 42.2KM.
How to Choose Running and Walking Shoes
By Rackets & Runners. With thousands of different models of shoes on the market, it’s virtually impossible for consumers to keep up and select the most appropriate brand and model for their individual foot type and function.
Things to Do in Vancouver in May
By RUNVAN®Things to do in Vancouver in May Vancouver, home of the award-winning BMO Vancouver Marathon, is a perfect balance of natural scenery and urban city. The Canadian coastal city boasts a world-renowned trail network, lively neighbourhoods...
Reasons to Run a Marathon
By RUNVAN®. To many, running a Marathon may seem like a long-shot – a goal we set without the intention of ever completing it. But with more training resources at our disposal than ever, finishing a Marathon is much more in reach than we’d think.
6 Tips for Running Your First Marathon
By RUNVAN®. With some hard work and training, crossing “Run a Marathon” off your bucket-list is a more attainable feat than you’d think.